Floor Tape Blog
Scheduled Maintenance Shutdown
For many locations - a scheduled shutdown occurs at least 1 or 2 times per year. Generally - the times around 4th of July and Christmas.
Although it varies location to location - these two times of the year are traditionally the most unstaffed. This is in part to the holidays they surround, children being out of school, and/or people taking vacations.
These shutdowns are done for various reasons - including (but not limited to) deep cleaning/organization, maintenance/repair of equipment, inventory, inspection, and safety implementation.
By having the regular production staff off - it's much easier to complete the tasks above. The staff is out of the way for cleaning/organization, won't be inconvenienced or slowed down from doing their regular tasks, and are out of harm's way for any other tasks that go along with the shutdown maintenance.
As providers of Mighty Line Safety and Organization Products - 5S Warehouse's involvement with scheduled shutdowns occurs throughout the entire process.
From a safety standpoint alone - the process begins with a detailed plan on the health and environmental needs that have to addressed and implemented. This could include any of the following:
Travel Lane and Corridor Marking
Safety Tape, Footprints, Dots, and Arrows
Pallet Marking
Angles and T’s
Color Coding of Specific Areas
Yellow - Caution, such as Pedestrian Walk/Aisle Ways
Red - Safety Areas, such as Emergency Exit Ways and Do Not Block Fire Extinguishers
White - Productions Equipment, such as Machines, Carts, or Incoming Racks
Green - Safety Related Equipment/Raw Material Areas, such as Eye Wash Stations and Spillage Showers
Orange - Parts for Machinery Areas
Blue - Work in Progress Area or Equipment Under Repair Zone
Black - Finished Goods Area
Yellow/Black - Extra Caution Areas, such as Pedestrian Walk/Aisle Ways
Red/White - Safety Equipment Areas, such as Fire Extinguishers, Electrical Panels, and AED Machines.
Do Not Block - Fire Extinguishers and Electrical Panels
Pedestrian Crossing
Tow Motor Crossing
Eye Wash Stations
Hearing Protection Required
First Aid
Emergency Evacuation Route
No Parking
No Smoking
Safety Glasses Required
Slippery Area
Protective Mask Required
Steel Toe Shoes Required
Fire Extinguisher
Fire Exits
Hard Hat Required
As you can imagine - making sure EVERYTHING is marked and identified properly, is quite a process to complete! And it's one that never ends. All of this planned maintenance revolves around the 5S (PLUS Safety) Methodology and Kaizen. In essence, it’s all about a place for everything, everything in its place, and continuous improvement.
It’s accomplished with the above-mentioned 5S Methodology.
Sort (Seiri): Sort and categorize items and separate what is needed – allowing only the bare essentials needed for operation and removing everything else. The elimination of excessive items frees up space, saves time, improves process flow, and allows staff to operate efficiently.
Straighten or Set in Order (Seiton): Arrange items that are needed so that they are easy to locate, transport and use. Identify locations for all items so that anyone can find them. Once the task is completed, return the items to specified locations.
Shine (Seiso): Clean the workplace and equipment on a regular basis in order to increase safety, maintain standards and identify defects.
Standardize (Seiketsu): Revisit the first three of the 5S on a regular and frequent basis and evaluate the condition of the workplace.
Sustain (Shitsuke): Maintain the standard and improve every day.
To see all the products mentioned above and/or to get more information - visit us online at https://www.5swarehouse.com/.The 5S (Plus Safety) Methodology - Sustain
As discussed in our blog post - The 5S (Plus Safety) Methodology - we're going to be covering each "S" that makes up the methodology.
In case you missed our last blog post - we covered the fourth "S" - Seiketsu (Standardize).
Today, we'll be covering the fifth "S" - Shitsuke (Sustain).
This "S" essentially ties the previous 4 together.
To sustain involves many things, including - but not limited to the following.
- Implementing sorting, setting in order, shining, and standardizing on a regular basis - without being told to do so (Via Self Discipline).
- Training and improving upon these tasks to get better and better each audit.
This and the previous components of The 5S (Plus Safety) Methodology may appear to be repetitive - but that's precisely what they're supposed to accomplish. The idea is to assure everything has it's place and that everyone knows their routines. The only variables are striving to make the two better - and implementing the changes.
How can 5S Warehouse assist with this?
- Customized Signs detailing directions and/or descriptions of areas/items.
- All areas taped off for organization and safety.
When everything is clearly marked and in its proper place - your workplace is clean, organized, efficient to work within, and easier to identify issues by both regular and new staff. And we want to assure ALL those are met!
Our Mighty Line | 5S Warehouse Tape, Angles/T's, Label Protectors, Dots/Arrows/Footprints, and Signs can help you with ALL your standardization needs!
Our next blog post will cover the BONUS "S" - SAFETY.
Until then - visit http://www.5SWarehouse.com and request a sample pack today!
The 5S (Plus Safety) Methodology - Standardize
As discussed in our blog post - The 5S (Plus Safety) Methodology - we're going to be covering each "S" that makes up the methodology.
In case you missed our last blog post - we covered the third "S" - Seiso (Shine).
Today, we'll be covering the fourth "S" - Seiketsu (Standardize).
The great thing about the 5 S's are the literal meanings of the names. They explain exactly what you're doing. This "S" - Standardize - is no different.
To standardize involves many things, including - but not limited to the following.
- Assuring all items are in their designated locations at all times.
- Making sure all areas are implementing organization practices.
- Creating a Standard Operating Procedure for every process within an area.
How can 5S Warehouse assist with this?
- Customized Signs detailing directions and/or descriptions of areas/items.
- All areas taped off for organization and safety.
When everything is clearly marked and in its proper place - your workplace is clean, organized, efficient to work within, and easier to identify issues by both regular and new staff. And we want to assure ALL those are met!
Our Mighty Line | 5S Warehouse Tape, Angles/T's, Label Protectors, Dots/Arrows/Footprints, and Signs can help you with ALL your standardization needs!
Our next blog post will cover the fifth "S" - Shitsuke (Sustain).
Until then - visit http://www.5SWarehouse.com and request a sample pack today!
Mighty Line Diagonal Hazard Floor Tape - Nuclear

Call us at (800) 714-9980 or visit https://www.5swarehouse.com/collections/floor-tape-diagonal today.